[AMPS] Front Panel Labeling ???

Larry Molitor w7iuv@axtek.com
Fri, 06 Aug 1999 22:51:57 +0100

At 03:09 PM 8/4/99 -0700, you wrote: 
> Guys,
> I am looking for a program that will allow me to make a numbered scale, in a
> 180 degree arc, in various radius ...  to be printed on clear mylar to be
> applied to the front panel of my HB 4-1000A amp. I need this for repeatable
> settings of my load capacitor. 
> Anyone have suggestions?
> Thanks for the thought,
> Terry W6RU


I do that and many other drawing tasks with EZCAD by evolution computing.


Larry - W7IUV
Amp pix at

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