[AMPS] Top Band Amplifier

George K. Watson watson@epiloglaser.com
Mon, 9 Aug 1999 10:20:04 -0600

Hi Everybody
Any news or source about projects of 1.8-2.0 MHz monoband solid-state 
power amplifier.
Do you ever built one or seen something somewhere ??
Let me know 
Best 73 and DX !!
Federico IK3UMT

If you want CW only, there is a description of a 700W amplifier in the Fall 1998 Comunications Quarterly using a parallel class-E topology with $5.00US active parts!
I have built several class-E amps and they work well as CW/RTTY monoband amplifiers
and are a fraction of the cost of others to build in part because of the inexpensive FETS and
in part because the power supplies are a fraction of the cost of a tube or Class-A-C power supply.

The catch is that they are non-linear, the topology works best at low HF frequencies, and they are
a bit more sensitive to mismatches, but if you slag a part, its only $5.00!

George K. Watson

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