[AMPS] Re:(AMPS) sb-200 troubles

Peter Chadwick Peter_Chadwick@mitel.com
Wed, 11 Aug 1999 17:16:47 +0100

Rich says:

>When the DC blocker fails without a "safety choke" being present, the 
>Load C itself acts as a protective spark gap, arcs,  and shorts the HV to 

A lot of the 'safety' chokes I've seen burn up if the blocking cap fails -
they can't take the DC from a PSU capable of an amp or more. It does give
you fair warning, but I'm not totally convinced about it as a 'safety
feature' - you know like 'the safety features of our airplane'. Since when
did life jackets do any good on a jetliner?


Peter G3RZP

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