[AMPS] Re:(AMPS) sb-200 troubles

Phil Clements philk5pc@tyler.net
Wed, 11 Aug 1999 17:57:44 -0500

>>When the plate blocking cap fails, this puts the HV across the antenna
>>terminal.   The purpose of the safety RF choke is to trip the primary CB's or 
>fuses to
>>remove the HV from there WITHOUT destroying itself. If it is not robust enough
>>to take the "hit" and fails open, the lethal HV is STILL on your
>>(Not good!)
>With an ordinary Load C, this is not going to happen. 

I guess the load C's in my amps are in the extrordinary catagory.
They are 1000 pf 5kv vacuum variables. No arcing with full HV
applied, much less a smaller voltage from a leaky C/block.

The safety RF choke in my amps does two things; it protects
more expensive components from carbon build-up an damage,
and it keeps me from being published in QST in the "Silent Keys"

Cheers, Rich...
Phil, K5PC

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