[AMPS] Alpha 87a vs Acom 2000A

John Nelson John_Nelson@compuserve.com
Sun, 29 Aug 1999 15:30:09 -0400

>Hi John, how do you determine how long your tubes had worked? Is there a
secret software command?<

If there is, I don't know about it <g>. The mains power where I live is
fairly noisy and erratic; I'm at the end of a long rural overhead line. So
when I got the 87A, I ran a separate MCB-protected spur into the shack for
the amp and terminated it in a box with a mains filter, VDR protection, an
RCD (which also acts as a no-volt relay if the mains fails) and a small
hours counter. The latter only runs when the amplifier is switched on. 

73 John

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