[AMPS] Tetrode Amp Help

measures measures@vcnet.com
Thu, 9 Dec 1999 07:34:45 -0700

>Leigh wrote:
>>I guess the biggest question I have is in regards to the 
>>requirements of the screen supply.  There appears to be no screen 
>>by-pass resistor in the RF deck so I'll assume the builder (have 
>>no idea who it was) included that in his screen supply.  The 
>>Eimac data sheet states 70mA for this resistor so I guess its 
>>value should be around 5k ohms?  What is the recommended size of 
>>this component.  I would guess 5 watt would be large enough but 
>>maybe I am not considering possible failure modes?  Some 
>>references I have seen state that HV should be applied before the 
>>screen voltage so I'll assume it is a good idea to apply screen 
>>voltage with the TR relay activated.  Any thoughts on a 
>>recommended screen supply circuit.  I wouldn't think with the 
>>screen bleeder that regulation is required and I was thinking of 
>>using a choke input filter (anyone have a ~4-5 HY 350mA 400VDC 
>>filter choke lying around?).  
>The Eimac advice assumes that you are not using a regulated screen

€  Eimac 8660 specification sheet dated 6-1-1967, page 4, "The screen 
voltage must be maintained constant... ...".   

>...only a "dumb" bleed resistor - but for good linearity and tube
>protection you MUST regulate the screen voltage closely. 
>When you use active regulation of the screen voltage, you no longer need
>a 70mA bleed. 10mA is plenty, and its only function is to clamp the
>screen voltage while the T/R relay contacts are actually changing over.
€  Typical screen current is stated to be Negative 14mA.  

cheers, Ian.  

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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