[AMPS] Little amp -- wanted

Jim Reid kh7m@hsa-kauai.net
Sun, 12 Dec 1999 07:32:05 -1000

> If I read the FCC rules correctly, an amp with these specs
> would be illegal. Too much gain and/or too little drive required.

I believe the FCC rule applies only to a manufacturer who
is going to offer an FCC "type accepted"  unit or kit "over
 the counter"  intended for sale to the amateur community.

I believe a home brew,  for one's own use,  or later,  to sell
to another ham,  the gain limit would not apply. There is a
clear distinction in the Part 97 rule between a commercial
unit and the homebrew unit.  See 97.315 and 97.317.

73,  Jim,  KH7M

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