[AMPS] 4CX250 in G2DAF Circuit

measures measures@vcnet.com
Fri, 17 Dec 1999 10:17:11 -0700

>Examining the cited test results was not intended to prove that the G2DAF
>circuit was a good circuit or that the stated Eimac specifications could not
>be improved.  It was merely intended to question the broad statement that
>the G2DAF circuit was bad because of the example cited of -22 db 3rd order

�  It was not "the example".  There were two.  
>Frankly, I am not smart enough to know whether the G2DAF circuit is "good"
>or "bad" without reading something that convinces me or doing tests myself
>and seeing the results.  

�  amen.  .  This is why I conducted the voice tests in question. 

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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