[AMPS] cooling
Gerald Caouette
Mon, 20 Dec 1999 15:03:54 -0700
Heath missed on the problem of heating of the filliment pins
tubes quit working because they melt the solder out of the pins .
In the case of muffin fans you are correct these fans against back
pressure don't
move much air.
but with a little more noise you can get what you need in the way of fans
ie squirl cage blowers mounted on foam and rubber
listen to an Alpha or QRO some time they are reasonably quiet
just my 1.5 Cents worth
> From: measures <measures@vcnet.com>
> To: W7lr@aol.com; AMPS <amps@contesting.com>
> Subject: Re: [AMPS] cooling
> Date: Monday, December 20, 1999 8:50 AM
> >
> >Years ago when I used to build amplifiers with 250ths I didnt worry
> >cooling with the tubes somewhat out in the open. For a new project
> >dont need a new one tho) am working on a single band amp with some
> >in parallel.
> >I have the air system sockets and chimneys for cooling. I dont have
> >experience nor knowledge regarding cooling.
> € Heath invented the best, and quietest 3-500z cooling system ever. See
> a SB-220. // Observe the cooling fins on the Eimac heat radiator cap.
> Are they designed for lateral cooling or vertical cooling? .
> > The tubes will sit on a 3" deep
> >chassis. Would there be enough air with a muffin fan under each tube
> >Or would it be better to use a squirrel cage blower blowing into the
> Air system sockets require high pressure, noisy blowers, not muffin fans.
> .
> cheers
> - Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.
> --
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