[AMPS] daf amplifier circuit, on air testing...

measures measures@vcnet.com
Fri, 31 Dec 1999 05:10:05 -0700

Skipp.  Your attribution is bogus.  

>Hello Peter,
>:From: Peter Sundberg <sm2cew@telia.com>
>:It seems to me that no matter what anyone say's or present 
>:about a DAF amp it is constantly being contested by the wise guys.
>This wise guy contested the signal I heard on 40 meters an 
>adequate distance away, where I shouldn't have heard him. 
>The typical round table with this gent had 8 other people, most 
>running big amplifiers. I didn't hear much of anyone else. I moved 
>down another  few KHz and he still hosed up my conversation. 
>It's fortunate that the operator is a really nice guy (and longtime 
>friend) and took the amplifier off line when I brought it to his 
>attention.  A later conversation with him got me a copy of the 
>screen control circuit he used. Maybe you guys would like to 
>see it on the sonic server later this next week..?  His heart is in 
>the right place, his signal was not. 
>:On the other hand, Rich can say that he once heard a "DAF" 
>:amp that sounded bad and everyone is then certain that this 
>:is the truth, un-contested. No matter the guy who ran this 
>:so called "DAF" amp turns out to have his own "Dude-circuit" 
>:to produce the doo-doo.
>Twas I who mentioned Norms amplifier, both Rich and I had 
>many a conversation with Norm about the circuit. Rich convinced 
>him to retrofit his circuit with something more conventional. 
>Since I know what he used, let me tell you what was involved. 
>A portion of the drive signal was used to control the screen 
>current potential. His notes to me were for a dual 4cx250 amp. 
>The circuit details show most of the work done with solid state 
>devices although a tube equivalent was available. 
>I'm under the impression one daf circuit actually uses rectified rf 
>for the applied screen potential. This seems a rather odd arrangement 
>to me as a portion of the actual rectified drive supplies the screen 
>power.  Norms circuit was a pair of hv transistors used to control 
>the screen potential from a power supply.  The circuit is a much higher 
>z load on the drive source vs the daf circuit I've seen on the web site. 
>Would this change the end result..?  The dynamic screen potential is 
>the tell-all. Both designs would probably place  lots of "el torro
>in my receiver from 4KHz away. Norms did from Southern California to 
>my QTH near Sacramento... a few hundred mile distance. The 
>local HF CB'er's do it from 3 blocks away. 
>:Running a DAF amp for a couple of years now I can say that it is good
>:design and I get NO complaints for splattering or sounding bad. (Using a
>:similar tube as in SM3BDZ amp, a QBL5-3500)
>If your blowing holes in the band, others might think you just 
>another contest operator. If I heard you on the bands, I'd say 
>something quick. Reference "The Emperors New Cloths" for 
>a similar example.  (Han Christian Anderson)  Sorry, I had to 
>say that at least once in my life...
>:Lars, SM3BDZ and Petter, SM3PXO has proven the linearity of the amp by
>:presenting plots on the Lars's webpage. We have used our amps on the air
>:for years without complaints. Can't you guys accept that... ??
>Plots didn't hold water for Norms circuit when we told him what everyone 
>was  hearing <4KHz away. Other than a few amateur circuits, why hasn't 
>the daf circuit caught on in the market place..? 
>:I think the DAF amp will be the Amp of The Millenium. 
>:/Peter SM2CEW
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-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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