[AMPS] 3-500Z filament voltage
Sun, 31 Jan 1999 21:00:41 EST
In a message dated 1/31/99 5:40:25 PM Eastern Standard Time, royanjoy@ncn.net
<< Monty...
For gosh' sakes, contact your power company about that outrageously high
line voltage! They are supposed to keep it well within specified limits--not
nearly that high. They will come out and adjust it for you. (It must have
been coffee-shop time when they installed that polepig, and forgot to return
after the 1-hour break to adjust the tap). That much voltage can damage
other appliances as well as fils. Of course, maybe you like the boosted QRO
from the B+ increase?
73, K6XK >>
What is the recommended line voltage ? I also seem to be on the high side
here @ approx. 245VAC.
Nuclear generating station only 3 miles away !
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