[AMPS] Henry 3000D generator
bob alexander
Fri, 05 Feb 1999 06:07:39 -0600
Hi Carsten,
The Henry 3000D was designed for 300 Watts drive...the RF cabinet
as used in plasma areactors came with a solid state 300 Watt "driver".
There is a choice of two power supplies available depending on your
power source. One is single phase and delivers around 4800 VDC.
The other is 3 phase and has about the same ourput. Both have
taps for 208, 240 VAC.
With 300 watts drive the amp will easily deliver 3000 Watts output
with a good tube. Conversion to 20 meters amounts to retuning the
Pi-L , the input pi-net and adding an antenna switching system and
I do not think its a good choice for modification for more than
single band 20 meter operation.
73, Bob, W5AH
Carsten Esch wrote:
> Hi,
> I can get a Henry 3000D generator (13.xxx MHz) using the 3CX3000A7. As I
> already have a 160-10m amp with this tube I thought it would be nice to
> have a single band 20m also ...... ;-)
> I only have some copies from the manual. The anode voltage seems to be
> (only) 3800-4000V under load at 1.1-1.3A (driven with 100 Watts). Does
> anybody have an idea if the transformer could deliver more current (when
> driven with more than 100 Watts)? What would be a good price?
> Thanks for your help!
> Carsten, DL6LAU
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