[AMPS] ceramic "glue"

Skip S Isaham nospam4me@juno.com
Sat, 06 Feb 1999 04:56:41 EST

Hello again,

Per the previous posts requesting a "glue" for ceramic material.

Varian (not Dupont as I previously posted) manufactures an Epoxy Resin
Torr Seal. It contains Crystaline Silica and states warnings against
inhalation of the dust.

It dries rock hard, has considerable temp ratings in both heat and cold
extremes. The two people I know with experience using Torr Seal say that
it's RF properties are mostly transparent in the smaller applications
they work with it.(Ft, approx 300MHz)
 It's white in color, drilled and tapped when cured.

"The hook"

It's very expensive, the typical larger 'two-tube' epoxy Resin and
Hardner in a small box is just under $40 where we buy it.

You can pick it up direct from Varian by phone at 1800-8-varian
The (part) order number is  953-0001

Torr Seal is just the ticket for repairs, it may not be cost effective
for one time use.

skipp may   wv6f

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