[AMPS] Filament voltage inrush

John Fielding johnf@futurenet.co.za
Sat, 6 Feb 1999 10:21:31 +0200

These should be perfect, provided you choose the right one.  They are
NTC thermistors, PTC are used for tv set de-gaussing coils.  The NTC
type resistance drops as it heats up, PTC does the opposite.

John	ZS5JF

> From: frank ayers jr <LOMAX1@prodigy.net>
> To: Amplifier Reflector <amps@contesting.com>
> Subject: [AMPS] Filament voltage inrush
> Date: 05 February 1999 05:07
> There has been a bit of discussion recently about resistors in series
> the primary of fil xfrmrs. What about the use of the thermistor
gizmos? As
> I understand it, they start out around 50 ohms then drop down as they
> up. Anybody have any idea how well these would work for inrush
> Frank
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