[AMPS] 8877 Source

km1h@juno.com km1h@juno.com
Sat, 6 Feb 1999 12:34:03 -0500

On Fri, 5 Feb 1999 19:13:49 -0600 Jon Ogden <jono@enteract.com> writes:
>Hi all,
>In case anyone needs any 8877's, Radio Recyclers in Milwaukee, WI has 
>few that have all been professionally tested and include power out 
>etc.  They are being sold for $190 I believe.  I don't know if that's 
>good price or not.

Excellent price for full output versions.

>He's also got several 3-500Z's for about $100.  These also have the 
>type of data.

Well over priced. There is another guy selling the same tubes for $85 on
various lists, also from the Milwaukee area so you can pretty well bet
they all come from GE Medical.

My experience with GE factory pulls and surplus has always been good.
They test to the extreme and any tube that does not meet their emission
and linearity criteria is rejected. That includes new tubes and they just
sell them off ; apparently a lot cheaper for them than buying pre
selected from Eimac .

>I have no connection to this place other than being their customer.  I 
>was just in there today and noticed he had these tubes and thought I 
>would pass it on.

GE Medical is one of my customers so I have a somewhat in-depth overview
of their policies. I rue the day when they finally go all solid state.

73  Carl  KM1H

>Webpage: www.execpc.com/~radiorec
>Jon Ogden
>http://www.qsl.net/ke9na    <--- CHECK IT OUT!  It's been 
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