Fw: [AMPS] 470uF/450v caps for $2.25

km1h@juno.com km1h@juno.com
Tue, 9 Feb 1999 10:19:18 -0500

On Mon, 8 Feb 1999 13:47:07 -0800 "Will K6NDV" <k6ndv@contesting.com>
>Here a few of the reply I received from my question about meeting the
>The last commend is kind of interesting, since it look like the 
>are used in a commercial amplifier.
>73 Will
>Well, after seeing all the flak I would like to add
>a few comments.
>1. When you series capacitors that are not all the
>    same exact capacitance there is a different voltage
>    across each. Those with a spec such as +80%-20% can
>    be a problem if you don't series enough to allow for
>    this error.  Remember V=Q/C...... If  V is changing quicker
>    than the time constant of the resistors across the
>    capacitors (ripple frequency, SSB or CW operation, SPARKS etc)
>    the voltage across the capacitors may not be the same.
>    And if you have too few in series one may break down and then
>    cause a cascade of failures until all are lost.
>    I plan to use 20 capacitors for a 6KV power supply.
>    At this price it and the space I have available it is
>    no problem. That also means that  I have a 50% safety
>    margin and these are supposed to be 20% tolerance caps.
>    Maybe I'll add 4 more just for good luck. That is
>    over 10KV worth.
>      I have seen many power supplies built such that if
>    one capacitor shorts out the power supply voltage then
>    is greater than the total ratings of the capacitors left.
>    I just see no reason to cut it so close.
>2. Don't put them where they may get. Near power resistors,
>    plate tank circuit or tube etc.
>3. Do check their capacitance and leakage before installing
>    them.
>4. And have plenty of shielding around them just in case one or
>    more do go. Electrolytics will go bad some day. You can bet
>    on that.
>5. I have not used these and if you want you may look up the
>    characteristics in a catalog yourself. These are not real
>    old like the stuff we find at ham fest or used equipment.
>>For what its worth....I've been using those caps for several years 
>bought 100 more when the ad started running. They are the same ones 
>used in
>the Commander amps, and I know for a fact that Pat doesn't have any 
>supply warranty probs. Carl just doesn't like anything but Mallory or
>Centralab "computer grade" caps.

I wish people would not try and put words in my mouth.

BTW, Centralab as mentioned above should be CDE and the 381 series I like
to mention are Industrial grade.
I am not against any cap manufacturer and have used more than most over
the years.

I only stress using the proper part for the job since a sudden failure at
HV can be a bit unpleasant.

If those are the same as Commander uses why dont they buy them? Ive sold
surplus parts to Pat in the past and he is not against a bargain.

Why did the few I have here overheat in a doubler supply  ( 4 per leg and
2700V total no load) ? I do not have a Nichicon reference; what is the
ripple current rating and what is the ESR?  Do they compare to the CDE
381 or similar Panasonic?

73  Carl  KM1H 
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