[AMPS] Eimac's Care and Feeding - WHERE?

W8AV@aol.com W8AV@aol.com
Fri, 19 Feb 1999 07:11:19 EST

In a message dated 2/18/99 10:56:06 AM EST, jono@enteract.com writes:

<< OK, just checked Eimac's web page and now I remember why I have never 
 been able to read all of Eimac's "Care and Feeding of Power Grid Tubes."  
 They claim they are in the process of re-writing it.  All they have 
 finished is through section 2, which is no progress over the last year.  
 So could one of you enlightened souls who has a copy mail me one or point 
 me in a direction where I can get hold of it?
I would also like to get hold of this information.

73.................de Goose W8AV

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