[AMPS] SB220 Xformer labodomy
Fri, 19 Feb 1999 23:22:13 -0500
On Thu, 18 Feb 1999 16:56:47 -0500 Len Schaier <lschaier@avotec.com>
>I have a very noisy SB220 power transformer that sounds like a bad
>florescent ballast. Other than being noisy, the amp works fine. I've
>taken a
>good look at the transfomer and noticed that the back surface of the
>tranformer has been hacked off. It looks like someone was trying to
>more clearance between the transformer and the back plate of the amp
>but I
>doubt that that is the reason for cutting the transformer. I removed
>back plate and pushed asside the paper insulator on the windings and
>that there is some grey tape ( looks suspicially like duck tape)
>around the windings.
>I'm tempted to just loosen the screws, paint the laminations with
>shellac and see if I can get rid of the noise.
>Anybody ever hear of this kind of transformer surgery or why anybody
>do it?
>Thanks in advance.
It almost sounds like a replacement xfmr from a grade Z supplier, never
experienced that problem in several hundred 220 series with original or
quality replacements.
That is not to say that a lamination problem never existed in an original
If all else fails try removing it and baking in the family oven and then
retorque the hardware. Trying to shellac an existing problem is going in
the opposite direction.
Off to bed after a 61 hr week. Be interesting to read the replies
73 Carl KM1H
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