[AMPS] resistors
Jim" <jdc@ieway.com
Sun, 21 Feb 1999 12:02:13 -0800
Be sure you INSULATE the high voltage end of the resistor from ground.
I mounted a bleeder resister with just the supplied metal mounting brackets.
The high voltage end arced to
ground and blew up all kinds of things. ....
Just a quick FYI...
73 and good luck
Jim W7RY
-----Original Message-----
From: km1h@juno.com <km1h@juno.com>
To: amps@contesting.com <amps@contesting.com>
Cc: wb8jkr@juno.com <wb8jkr@juno.com>; n4vos@mis.net <n4vos@mis.net>;
amps@contesting.com <amps@contesting.com>
Date: Saturday, February 20, 1999 5:11 PM
Subject: Re: [AMPS] resistors
>On Sat, 20 Feb 1999 05:43:15 -0800 Rich Measures <measures@vc.net>
>>> Last time I did this I used a piece of an old
>>>fiberglass fishing rod (the large end) and ran
>>>it through the resistors leaving about 3/4" extending
>>>on each end and then clamped the ends onto standoffs.
>>> On just about every alpha 77 I've worked on I've found
>>>some arc damage from the bleeders to the mounting bolts,
>>>don't like that method.
>>>Mark WB8JKR
>>� Good point. Through-bolt mtg. also blocks cooling air.
>Not if done by the mfgs book.
> 100k
>>wirewound resistors are known to have a high failure rate.
>Details please.
>If I
>>wanted a
>>Reliable bleeder for a 4kV C-filter supply, I would series up 8 to 10
>>Matsushita/Panasonic 100k-ohm, 3w MOF resistors on a piece of
>>and be done with it.
>Absolute YUK ! 800K to 1M bleders..no way Jose.
>Get a freebie Mouser catalog and put fresh batteries in the calculator.
>Take nothing for granted unless you can prove it within reason. Ignore
>voodoo cures.
>73 Carl KM1H
>>>On Sat, 20 Feb 1999 10:11:49 -0800 "Ron Spencer" <n4vos@mis.net>
>>>>Hello I need some help here. I working on the power supply for the
>>>>8877 tube. The question I have is how to mount the bleeder resistors
>>>>I have two ohmnite about 7 inches long, they are 100 watt 100k which
>>>>will be in series. Can I use a thur bolt ? or would this be two
>>risky ?
>>>>Ron n4vos@mis.net
>>R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures
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