[AMPS] 3-500Z chimneys

Steve Thompson amps@txrx.demon.co.uk
Mon, 22 Feb 1999 07:27:08 +0000

In message <003901be5e2b$d621da20$c0292581@km3g>, zeitler@ibm.net writes
>I have a need for several 3-500Z tube chimneys. Reportedly Coleman lantern
>globes can be used. Has anyone tried this?
>Sure beats paying $40.00 per unit from RF Parts.
>Lane Zeitler

I've not done it personally, but a friend built a couple of 6m amps with
5-500s. One used the glass off a camping gas lamp, the other used a roll
of PTFE sheeting. Both have worked well for some years.


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