[AMPS] resistors

Steve Thompson amps@txrx.demon.co.uk
Mon, 22 Feb 1999 07:58:35 +0000

In message <19990222010656.AAB12261@[]>, Rich Measures
<measures@vc.net> writes


>>>>>Ÿ  What is to be gained by using a 200k-ohm bleeder on a C-filter, 
>>>>Quicker HV bleed down time, less chance of a recharge. 
>>>Ä  What mechanism recharges the capacitor?  
>>An incomplete discharge. Something very easy to do for an inexperienced
>€  Bzzzzzt.  You said recharge.

The mechanisms causing apparent recharge were discussed in good detail
by Bob Pease of NatSemi in Electronics magazine (I think) a few months
ago. I'll post a reference when I find it.


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