[AMPS] rebuilding HV caps and 8171 choke

Skip S Isaham nospam4me@juno.com
Mon, 22 Feb 1999 03:24:29 EST

Were you referring to NWL rebuilding the original Henry supplied cap, or
Henry providing service?

Thank you Rich for the info on the high current filament choke "method".

I received another email from a person requesting info on this topic. I'm
sorry that I accidently lost your direct email to me. Please send it
thank you


:Subject: Re: [AMPS] HV Cap supplier
>I've repaired a Henry, dual 3-500z amplifier with a shorted HV cap. 
>The replacement from Henry was made by NWL Capacitors, Riviera Beach, FL
>Catalog 11519
>16uf   7.5KV
>Don't know if they sell in small qualities, yet.  Has anyone else 
>with success?

:I understand that they also rebuild caps at a lot less than new cost.
:Check with some Alpha 77 owners.
:73  Carl  KM1H

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