[AMPS] SB220 rebuild

Len Schaier lschaier@avotec.com
Tue, 23 Feb 1999 19:30:38 -0500


Thank you for the scoop!
I associated the term labodomy with my SB 220 transfomer which which had its
back end sliced off.
Somehow seeing that slice for the first time ( I had never removed the back
of the SB 220) reminded me of the Frankenstein movies where he had a sewn
seam around his forhead line. I erroneously asociated that with a labaodomy.

We are both learning from this excellent reflector.

Best regards,


At 03:13 PM 2/23/99 +0008, George T. Daughters wrote:
>Hi all,
>> The surgery to repair the transformer labodomy is proceeding and I'd like to
>> thank you all for the great suggestions.
>OK.  If it's going to become a frequently-used term on this 
>reflector, I have to be true to my (very weak) medical and (less 
>weak) English training, and offer the correct version...
>lobotomy... severance of nerve fibers (as in the frontal lobes) of 
>the brain for treatment of some mental disorders.  A second meaning 
>I think we could accept is the one pertaining to severing (and then 
>rebuilding) certain aspects of a SB220.
>I apologize for this, but I thought somebody might actually care 
>about getting it right.  (Of course, there's the possibility that 
>"labodomy" means "severing and rebuilding a SB220", but I can't 
>find it in my dictionaries!)   8>)
>At any rate, I continue to learn lots by just reading traffic on this 
>reflector.  Thanks to all.
>George T. Daughters, K6GT
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