[AMPS] HV Power Supply for 3-500Z

Jerry L. Pyle jpyle@tctwest.net
Thu, 25 Feb 1999 01:11:07 -0700

What taps can I use??
Have a like new!!! but old United Transformer Company Type S47 hv
transformer  115 vas primary secondary taps at 2000, 2500, and 3000 vac
center tap. 32 mf 4500 vdc cap and GE commercial full wave bridge. The
transformer weighs in at 25 lbs. No current rating but according to the
Twenty-Third Edition of the Radio Handbook should have an IVS of about
1.5 KW. Actual AC checked at the line here in house is 128 vac.

Again....what voltage taps recommended for a pair of 3-500Zs ...remember
this is a  full wave power supply..


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