[AMPS] In Search Of: The Nearly Perfect T-R Switch

Tom Rauch W8JI@contesting.com
Wed, 7 Jul 1999 11:55:50 -0400

nt:      	Tue, 6 Jul 1999 14:59:01 -0700

>  I have used the Ameritron QSK in a Heathkit SB-1000.  The only drawback
> that I had found is that the MOS FET would short. This happened on way to
> many occasions.

You probably had  a tube that was faulting. You can improve 
immunity to this problem by putting a 50 volt MOV from each side 
of the filament winding at the filament choke to ground.

> What about using the QSK-5 or RTTY contesting at 1500 watts output with a
> L O N G cq. What about RTTY rag chewing at 1000- 1300 watts out for 10
> minuets ?

Shouldn't be a problem at all. The bulk of failures are caused by 
timing problem during switching transition periods. There are 
commercial FM systems using them at 2500 watts in a packet-like 
mode at HF, with long duty cycle.
73, Tom W8JI

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