[AMPS] My SB200 bit the dust !!

Y. Park ¹Ú¿ë¼· park@surface.kriss.re.kr
Thu, 8 Jul 1999 22:28:18 +0900 (KST)

I sent this a copule of days ago but never showed up on this reflector,
So here it goes again.  Any help appreciated.

Hello folks !

My SB200 bit the dust last night after what seems to be an
arcing.  I was tuning up the amp at 15m band using full 100 W
drive from FT-1000MP, and there was this 'bzzzzzzz' sound and
the output power became half what it used to be.  The typical
output was 400-500 W on 15 m band when it was normal and now
it's less than 200 W and unstable.  The plate current reading
is about 70 % of normal and grid current goes over the full
scale of the meter.  The HV reading is also about 70 % of what
it used to be.  I have not yet inspected the interior of the
amplifier for any tell-tale signs, but the filaments of the
two 572Bs looked OK from outside.

I am no expert in vacuum electronic circuits although I can read
circuit diagrams.  I installed
Harbach soft key mod, etc. with no problem but that was an
easy one, I suppose. Now I need the input of the collective wisdom of
this reflector to repair the SB200. What should I check first ?
I have digital multimeter and soldering iron available, but
nothing much else.

Any input is appreciated.
¹Ú ¿ë ¼· (Yongsup Park)         |   +82-42-868-5397(O), 5032(F)  
Surface Analysis Group, KRISS   |   park@kriss.re.kr    
P.O. Box 102, Yusong            |   http://www.surface.kriss.re.kr/~park/
Taejon, 305-600, KOREA          |   Amateur Radio: DS3GLW

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