[AMPS] RE: 4cx10000

Jan.E.Holm@telia.se Jan.E.Holm@telia.se
Fri, 9 Jul 1999 11:15:08 +0200

      Somehow I wish more people would run tubes like 4CX5000 or
      4CX10000 or similar, think we would have less splatter and
      cleaner/nicer sounding signals on the band.  
      These days we have rigs with very big power spikes that flat
      tops the amplifiers and also people that drives the crap out of
      their 1500 W amps to make them deliver a puny 350 Watts more.
      Take a good listen to the SSB signals of today, at least 75% of  
      flat tops or doesn�t sound right.

      73, Jim SM2EKM

      PS: I have one brand new 4CX10000 and one brand new 4CX15000 for  
             sale, anyone interested?
-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Fr�n:	measures@vc.net [SMTP:measures@vc.net]
Skickat:	 den 9 juli 1999 04:52
Till:	amps@contesting.com
�mne:	VB: RE: [AMPS] 4cx10000

>> My favourite tube. My question is this, how many times can you  
>> 8171s before they are tired and worn. Never having to do this i  
>> wonder about the value of people like Econco. I have a good supply of
>> these tubes myself so have never had need to rebuild one. I have a  
>> that are shot as well mainly using them for door stops.
>Econco have repeatedly stated the 8171 and similar tubes could be  
>essentially forever since the anode can be removed without loss of  
>In those tubes which require cutting the ceramic-metal seal the limit  
>the care with which the seal is cut and amount of material that is  

�  The metal/ceramic bond is silver-solder.  The anode can be  
as easily as it is soldered.   

>Once too much material is lost (two, three or four generations in most  
>tubes) the tube is unrebuildable due to the cahnge in parameters.  
>With the 8171, I suspect a good "pull" will last a lifetime with, at  
>most, one rebuild in amateur service as long as the amplifier is built  
>with suitable regulation and safety circuits.  
>   ... Joe Subich, W8IK/4  ex-AD8I


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures   

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