[AMPS] Power Output (was 4cx10000)

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Fri, 9 Jul 1999 14:24:00 -0700

>Dick Green wrote:
>> .91dB may only buy a few S-units, 

€  0.91db is less than one-sixth of one S-unit.  

> > but that can make a huge difference when
>> copying weak signals or when the band is noisy. Most people seem to do their
>> on-air tests when signals are relatively strong and the differences are
>> harder to detect. I think it would be more revealing to do these tests with
>> the very weak, almost "ESP" signals that are common in contests and DXing.
>I'm a CW DXer and I agree 100%.  Every fraction of a db adds up, 
>especially when
>it comes from the antenna, but also when it's transmit-only.  My new amp will
>run 1500 watts out, compared to 700-800 from my SB1000, and I am confident 
>that it will make a BIG difference in pileups and under poor conditions.  It 
>doesn't hurt to reduce loss in coax, tuners, etc. either, even if each 
>improvement is only a fraction of a DB.
>For what it's worth (not much these days, I guess), I will be careful to 
>keep it to 1500 watts or less.  If everything is possible, nothing is 
Amen.  When I was a kid, I heard "you have to hear 'em to work 'em".  Now 
it's possible to hear weak ones on a telephone line, either through the 
Internet, or through a computer-controlled receiver site across the pond. 

-  cheers, Vic.


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures  

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