[AMPS] Re: Power Output

Tom Rauch W8JI@contesting.com
Sat, 10 Jul 1999 09:06:14 -0400

From:           	"Roy Koeppe" <royanjoy@ncn.net>
To:             	"Amps Reflector" <amps@contesting.com>
Subject:        	[AMPS] Re: Power Output
Date sent:      	Fri, 9 Jul 1999 15:30:10 -0500

> ".91dB may only buy a few S-units, but that can make a huge
> difference..."
> 1 S-unit = 6dB

On my IC-751A:

S1-S2 change is .5 dB gradually changing to 5 dB per S unit by 
the time S 9 is reached.

On my FT-1000(D) one S unit is about 1 dB at the low end, moving 
slowly to six up around S8.

On my Drake R4C and 2B receivers, proper calibration is 5 dB per 
S unit.

On my Collins 75S1, which has both a dB and S scale, it's ten dB 
for every three S units.

On my FT-757, proper calibration is about 4 dB per S unit in the 
technical manual.

Exactly who has a 6 dB S unit anyway?

When a signal is marginal, one dB can be all the change in the 
world in readability. I don't think there is a S meter in the world that 
is 6 dB per S unit, and most manufacturers seem to have used 5 
dB or less as a design standard.

73, Tom W8JI

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