[AMPS] More amp photos

Larry Molitor w7iuv@arrl.net
Wed, 14 Jul 1999 07:20:00 -0700

I borrowed a digital camera and added a couple more of my amp projects
to the amplifier photo page at

When I looked at the server log, I was suprised at how many hits the
page was getting. Just so that everyone else could see the activity, I
added a "hit" counter.

Some bad news.... Since it is absolutely neccessary that I have total
control of the content, I will not be able to have links out to other
pages. Sorry, but it's either no links or no pix.

If you want your amp included, email digital images/text to me or snail
mail prints to me and I'll scan them.


Larry - W7IUV
Amp pix at

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