[AMPS] HeathKit SB-200 / Yeasu FT-707 Hookup

Ron Shaffer shaffer@hiwaay.net
Sat, 17 Jul 1999 11:20:45 -0500

Hi guys,
    I have picked up a clean looking SB-200 Amp with low milage claimed
hi hi.   It looks like perhaps I need a 12V relay circuit between the
Yeasu PTT line and the AC relay in the SB-200 .. The Yaesu manual is not
much help in figuring the best place to tap off the PTT line .. looks
like the ACC connector if I can fine a plug and dig through the
schematic for which pin (it is not real well labled) .. any suggestions
or pointers ? ... what about the ALC circuit ? .. any suggestions on
hooking that up ? ... also, someone told me to inspect for the
possability of some cracked resistors ibn there somewhere in the amp as
there are a few that have been known to run hot ... Thanks for any
advice in advance ... Ron Shaffer ... KS4LU

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