Tom Rauch W8JI@contesting.com
Thu, 22 Jul 1999 08:35:16 -0400

> I have an SB1000 and I bought a Chinese 3-500G tube.  Worked great for
> awhile, about 40 hours...  then one day..I came in and turned the amp on
> to warm up, and both 15 amp fuses immediately blew.  I have it connected
> to the 120V wall socket.   I cautiously unplugged the amp, removed the
> tube, replaced the fuses, and put everything back together.  I turned the
> amp on and it performs great.....the pwr supply and fan run and I have
> about 3200 Volts. So I put the tube back in and blam!...it blows the
> breakers.   How can I test this tube, and any other ideas before I send
> the tube back to AES. thanks.Greg.

Send the tube back. Your experience is more common than not.

73, Tom W8JI

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