[AMPS] Source for transmitter tubes, sockets, high voltage C's, etc.

Ulli Grunow ulli@wxs.nl
Thu, 22 Jul 1999 17:27:32 +0200

Hi guys !
This is Ulli from Holland.

Anybody can tell me a good surplus mail order company who sells
transmitting tubes (3CX1200, 3CX1500A7, 4CX1000, 4CX1500B, 4CX1500A,
4CX3000, etc..)
Also  3-500Z 3-1000Z / 4-400 as well as 4-1000A are interesting of

Also sockets as well as high voltage C's are regularly required. 

Which surplus comapanies sell Vacuum-C's ??

Thanks for any suggestions - please inform any telephone number or web

(Can imagine that this is a question often asked (?!) so there is no
answer at all ????)

Greetings, Ulli

P.S.: Currently designing 4CX1500A amp for grid driven AB1 linear

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