[AMPS] SB 220 PS Diodes

Pat Barthelow aa6eg@hh.tmx.com
Sun, 25 Jul 1999 18:32:13 -0700 (PDT)

I just popped a couple of diodes, (maybe more) on the voltage doubler
diode circuit on an old SB 220..Dumb mistake, turned it on after making a
low voltage keying circuit, on the bottom of the chassis, but forgot I had
taken off the top cover, so the HV was mechanically shorted to ground.
Anyway, the diodes are labeled Heath Part Number  57-27, and no
specifications...PIV or current...(Curious, that?)  There are 7 diodes in
each leg of the voltage doubler, so I am guessing some ordinary, 1 or 2
amp, 1 kv diodes will do..... Anyone know the required PIV and Current
Ratings for the diodes?

73, DX, de 
Pat, AA6EG/N6IJ; 
599 DX Drive, Marina CA 93933
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