[AMPS] Grid Trip Circuit

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Mon, 26 Jul 1999 13:37:03 -0700

>I recently purchased a Ten Tec Titan amp uhich uses 3CX800A7s and am
>uncomfortable at the ease with which the grid current rises with an
>increase in SWR. Does anyone know of a grid trip circuit or kit for
>such that can be purchased.

€  The Titan 425 that I repaired had unfatal gold-sputtering in both 
tubes.   If the amplifier were in my garage, I would test the tubes for 
gold-sputtering with a high. pot tester.  If leakage current with pos. on 
the anode is substantially greater than with neg. on the anode,   gold 
meltballs are indicated.  (note:  there is a way of dealing with small 
amounts of loose gold)
>There was a circuit in an old issue of QST but the relay used was not
>identified and I feel better purchasing something that has already been
>tried than experimenting with $700 tubes.
-  cheers, Stan


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures  

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