[AMPS] equalizing resistors/caps on small HV power supply??

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Mon, 26 Jul 1999 22:55:32 -0700

>Peter said:
>> I still maintain that if you aren't going to use equalising ( note the 
>Kings English spelling), resistors,you should get diodes from the same 
>diffusion batch.
>That's tough to do Peter, I order a 100 1N5408's and when I measure them, I 
>find that some QA guy has sent me all the outliers!
so sort 'em according to piv.  

>I am beginning to think that Marv has the right idea. Buy the bridge 
>assemblies from K2AW. His prices are reasonable and probably cheaper than 
>adding all the resistors and capacitors and providing all the layout space, 
>plus the extra labor.

Does K2AW use "equalizers"?   Does he match PIVs?  

-  later, Bill.  


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures  

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