[AMPS] 572-B Input impedance??

Peter Chadwick Peter_Chadwick@mitel.com
Tue, 27 Jul 1999 09:21:06 +0100

As a matter of interest, what was the 572B originally designed for, and when
did it come out? I'd guess it was originally a class B zero bias modulator
tube for producing about 500 watts of audio, but I don't recollect ever
seeing a modulator design with them published. They seemed to appear as SSB
GG amps around 1960 or so, but I wouldn't have thought that a tube designed
then for SSB GG service would have been designed with such a structure  -
long thin grid lead etc. Tube technology then could have put that sort of
tube on a pressed base, with much shorter leads.


Peter G3RZP

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