[AMPS] Good Meter vs CRT was Hot wire....

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Wed, 28 Jul 1999 18:31:13 -0700

>From:           	Michael Tope <W4EF@pacbell.net>
>To:             	"'AMPS'" <amps@contesting.com>
>Subject:        	RE: [AMPS] Good Meter vs CRT was Hot wire....
>Date sent:      	Wed, 28 Jul 1999 12:13:17 -0700
>> This brings up a question that I have. When the FCC inspects
>> a station, how is the question of drive power handled? Many 
>> commercially available amplifiers will run more the 1500 watts
>> output if they are driven hard enough. What if I have a 
>> homebrew 3CX3000? How can they prove that I run it harder 
>> then legal limit without doing field strength measurements
>> when I am not looking?
>That's how they do it, as a general rule. They measure your field 
>strength while you aren't looking.
>> If they are there in the shack with you, seems that it would 
>> just be a question of meter calibration [O-scope if you prefer].
>> IOW, my version of 1500 watts versus their's.
>Not really. They have meters tracable to a standard, and measure 
>your PEP on those meters. They make that meassurement into 
>whatever antenna you were using. 

And if you are using a swinging link tank and open-wire line, they can't 
measure anything.  

>They deduct reflected power 
>from forward power, and if your power is clearly above the level 
>required for instrument tolerance you can get whacked.
>Arguing about the results is like arguing a speeding ticket. The 
>burden of proof they are wrong is on you.

And, they aren't going to bother unless you are unquestionably over the 
limit.  Chances are that the guy has been causing interference or they 
would not be there.  .   I heard about one guy who was cited for running 
23k out from a 4CX15,000A/8281.  This guy was a champeen turkey.  He ran 
the 8281 most every night on 80m.  He lived in a housing tract with close 
spaced houses.  .  He reportedly caused widespread interference to 
electronic equipment in the neighborhood.  The FCC inspector who visited 
Mr.  Turkey lived in the neighborhood and was reportedly experiencing 
interference to his stereo equipment.  


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures  

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