[AMPS] In Diodes We Trust...?

Mike Baker k0qz@primenet.com
Thu, 29 Jul 1999 17:14:59 -0700

Hello to all!
    As a long time reader of this reflector I have gained quite a bit of
education from all of your comments but only posted once or twice with a
comment of my own.  This "Diode" issue has given me about the biggest
laugh I have had in years.  See the reference below.

€  So buy 'em from Rich.  He gets 1N5408 on a reel of 1200 units.  The
price is currently 20 cents.  We will measure and mark the avalanche
voltage for 3 cents per diode.

Lets see now.  Even if I used 10 diodes for each side of a bridge
rectifier we would only be talking about using a total of 40 diodes at
23 CENTS each for a total of $9.20 plus UPS.  All matched and ready for
        I know you gents love to argue a point to death but COME ON!  A
23 CENT DIODE?  Ok, I understand "Tubes with Handles" as their care and
feeding to extend operating life and limit unnecessary "opps!" that
costs you an expensive transmitting tube is a subject we can all learn
from, (hopefully not at our own expense)  As my dad would have said,
"you boys sure know your onions" but PLEASE; we are talking about
probably the cheapest component in an amp.  One that I have yet to blow
up without another component failing first (like a shorted filter cap).
Maybe it just me and I have overbuilt most stuff I have built or
repaired and just got lucky, but we are still talking about the cheapest
part in the whole project here.
    41 E-Mails about it is a bit of overkill even for this group.  Opps,
guess I just made it 42! ;>}

    Looking forward to more of your collective pearls of wisdom...
    Best 73
    Mike Baker  KØQZ/7
    My new goal: DAYTON 2000!!

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