[AMPS] Bias for SB-220

wb8jkr@juno.com wb8jkr@juno.com
Tue, 1 Jun 1999 21:41:16 EDT

  This is true, but if you place a high value resistor acrossed the
switching transistor to allow about 5 ma or so of Idle current in standby
and place a 10 to 25 ufd capacitor acrossed the switching transistor
99% of the distortion will disappear. I've done it, I know it works.
 I applied the same concept to a homebrew 4CX250 2 mtr amp and it works
very well, I get good reports from even local guys.

Mark  WB8JKR

> However, with 
>RF-derived bias switching, the tubes rapidly switch in and out of 
>bias during normal speech when the relays are in the transmit 
>This causes additional distortion during soft syllables and at the 
>beginning of syllables.  .  
>R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures  
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