[AMPS] TL-922 Filament Transformer Protection
Rich Measures
Sun, 6 Jun 1999 21:26:45 -0700
>>This (VHF) ringing occurs whenever there
>>is a transient in anode-current. I contend that RF input contact arcing
>>(hotswitching) during relay closure will produce transients in
>>anode-current -- and that the resultant ringing in the anode circuit will
>>be fed back by the feedback C of the amplifier tube. .
� A spark is reliable producer of wide-band feculence.
>How does closing a relay wether it is a hot closure or not produce a
>transient in anode current?
� hotswitching causes a spark.
>I always thought anode current (other than bias current) was produce by a
>driving signal.
� The spark is connected to a wire that connects to the input of the
> Hot switching is not good, but I don't think it is a
>cause of anode current transients.
� When I was on 1296MHz, I could hear spark-plug interference from
automobiles 400m distant.
R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures
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