[AMPS] Vox efficient...

Michael Tope W4EF@pacbell.net
Sun, 6 Jun 1999 21:29:14 -0700

Letting up on the PTT during the natural pauses in your speech is also very effective. 

Mike, W4EF................ 

-----Original Message-----
From:	Rich Measures [SMTP:measures@vc.net]
Sent:	Sunday, June 06, 1999 9:27 PM
To:	Amps Reflector
Subject:	Re: [AMPS] Vox efficient...

>>Lock to talk SSB operation with audio-idle key down times greater than a
>>few milli seconds are very poor practice and waste much useful power.
>>Often LIDs would break in to a 40 meter high-speed vox conversation using
>>lock to talk. The vox operators could and would hold a conversation
>>"inside their broadcast"
?  Switching to the opposite sideband was also popular.  Ten minutes 
later, the lock-to-talk guy unkeys and wonders what happened.
>So in your view, anyone who doesn't use VOX is a lid?
?  Jon:  A friend drops by for a visit.  He makes a 10 or so minute 
lock-to-talk monologue while you respectfully keep your mouth shut and 
take notes.  Then you get your turn to talk for 10 or so minutes whilst 
he respectfully keeps his mouth shut and takes notes.  .  On and on and 
on and on.  .  This was the way it was on 75m AM when I was a boy.  
People talked At each other instead of with each other.   .  One of the 
first 75m operators on the West Coast to realize that lock to talk sucks 
was Mar Hull, K6CQ (rip).  He started a group on 3835KHz called the Dirty 
Old Men.  There were enough well-educated, well-read conversationalists 
in the group to make for some interesting conversations.  Here were human 
beings conversing like human beings.  It was delightsome.  It was 
natural.  .  Each DOM had a bailiwick.  Mar was knowledgeable about 
electronics and he knew how to explain stuff.  There were many folks who 
listened to the DOM and eventually joined in -- provided they had 
something to contribute..  Once I started listening, I was hooked on VOX. 
 Within a few years, several other groups had spun-off from the DOM.  
-  later, Jon


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures  

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