[AMPS] slam tally
Pete Smith
Mon, 07 Jun 1999 16:20:12 -0400
At 08:45 AM 6/7/1999 -1000, dthomas@pmrf.navy.mil wrote:
> Well, I just have to say this. Tom, your slams are just way too
> personal and I really don't like it. I will hang in here if you just
> keep it to a non-personal technical disagreement.Otherwise I'm out of
> here man. Life is just too short for that kind of crap. Makes
> everybody feel bad. I have kept a pretty good tally and so far Rich
> has my vote for being in the lead. I.E. - Tom you should check your
> quiver before attempting intellectual battle. How does that feel ? Me
> thinkth ye protesteth too much and are way to personal in the slams
> Tom. Typical of people that don't know what they are talking about.
> Take a clue from Rich and just try to be a gentleman Tom. I know it
> will be hard but you can do it if you try. If this short life is ever
> going to improve its up to each and every one of us to try.
Dan clearly doesn't know the players, or the history. In his message, he
commits the same sin he condemns Tom for.
At the same time, I share his discomfort. We should be able to benefit by
the technical debate, even with the same intense disagreements, without the
personal attacks. In the last round, perhaps six months ago, Rich was the
more vituperative and personal. This time, Tom's gone too far.
Everyone should reflect on the difference between "you're wrong" and
"you're stupid," and calm down.
73, Pete N4ZR
Sometimes a tower is just a tower
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