[AMPS] slam tally

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Wed, 9 Jun 1999 01:01:58 -0700

>Rich runs this non-issue into the ground again ...
>> >
>> €  According to the personnel office's rep. at Varian/Eimac in Salt Lake
>> City, Utah, Mr. Miklos was an "Engineer-B", he was not a manager, he was
>> well-liked, and he was no longer employed by Eimac/Varian.  .  My guess
>> is that the ARRL did not telephone the SLC personnel office to check out
>> Miklos' claim.
>WA4GPM is no longer employed at Eimac/Varian as he left to join Triton
>when the glass tube division was sold and moved east.  Since you called
>Eimac/Varian after Miklos left the company, the only information the
>company could legally provide was that he had been previously employed
>there.  Any other information from a company concerning a former
>employee must be considered suspicious.
€   So if the personnel dept. rep. told me what a former employee's job 
title was, and that he had been well-liked, that would be a violation of 

>I had the opportunity to meet WA4GPM at the NAB Amateur Radio Reception
>a year ago ... so stop beating this straw-man.
>   ... Joe Subich, W8IK/4  ex-AD8I
>       <W8IK@IBM.NET>


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures  

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