[AMPS] slam tally

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Wed, 9 Jun 1999 09:29:26 -0700

>Rich says;
>	>?  Would you consider it bad form to state that alleged facts were 
>	>contradicted by the personnel dept. of the former employer?
>Rebuttal of facts is an accepted part of debate. To say that evidence is
>available to rebut a set of facts stated by one of the parties, and to
>produce that evidence is one thing - and is acceptable: but if one said that
>'these facts presented by Mr. X are lies and I'm going to prove it', I'd
>class that not only as unacceptable, but purposely inflammatory and
It's all in the grate debate archive.  If anyone would like to RX a 
one-piece searchable copy, an e-mail request to yours truly is all that's 
needed.    Chunks are available as well.  State the area of interest, and 
I'll snip the rest.  


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures  

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