[AMPS] slam tally

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Wed, 9 Jun 1999 12:49:34 -0700

>Rich Measures wrote:
>>>neither should one publicly attack
>>>the intelligence, integrity, morals or honesty of one's opponent ...
>>€  Would you consider it bad form to state that alleged facts were 
>>contradicted by the personnel dept. of the former employer?
>Yes, it's bad form, because:
>(a) Your assertion - which is contradicted by several other sources -
>is based on a telephone conversation with some random person in HR who
>had no incentive to give you strictly accurate information;
€  What is HR?  // The person I spoke with was an employee in the 
Varian/Eimac SLC facility's personnel office.   A quite likely incentive 
to give accurate information is the possiblility of job termination for 
having given bad information.  

>but more importantly:
>(b) The whole point of your pursuit of Mr Miklos seems to be to smear
>his personal integrity because his technical judgement differs from
€  I have seen nothing from Mr. Miklos.    Tom Rauch did all of the 
talking.  Tom said that Miklos would show up in January, 1997 and enter 
the debate.  I await.   If Miklos shows up, one of the first questions 
from yours truly will be whether or not he agrees with Mr. Rauch's 
somewhat unique method of calculating grid-dissipation by multiplying 
peak grid current by rms grid-cathode volts?  [sic]  

>Rotten bad form, old chap... can't you see that?

€   I repeated what the personnel dept.  told me.  Bad form would 
seemingly have been to adjust what she told me.  //  What evidence do you 
have that Miklos was other than an Engineer B at Varian/Eimac?   Would 
you like to have the telephone number of the SLC facility personnel 
office so that you can find out first-hand, Ian?

-  cheers


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures  

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