[AMPS] grid voltage swing

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Wed, 9 Jun 1999 14:13:42 -0700

>Larger tubes such as a 4CX3000A  require very little drive power, but the 
>required grid voltage swing is very high.
>What is the proper or most commonly used method of deriving this voltage 
>swing from the standard 50 ohm driving source? I have not looked at the 
>data sheet lately, but believe its over 200 V P-P for the 3x4.
>I have justed started looking at this reflector. Can anybody help?
€    The drive requirement is about 230v peak.  Briefly, the 
4CX3000A/8169 grid requirement can be met with a bifilar 1-to-4 step up 
broadband toroidal transformer, a 200-ohm grid. term., and c. 150w of 
drive.  Details are on my Web site, in "Amplifiers".  The last amplifier 
I built was a general-coverage 8169 in grid-driven neutralized Class AB1. 
  -  I observed some disadvantages with the 8169:
1.  The best socket (the y-330b) is not cheap.  
2.  The smallish anode cooler required a high-pressure blower that was 
not cheap. 
3..  The 8169 has No handles
4.  .The 8171 has Way more emission, cools easier, is less expensive, and 
it has handles.  

-  good luck, Bruce.  


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures  

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