[AMPS] Personnel depts. etc.

Phil (VA3UX) phil@vaxxine.com
Fri, 11 Jun 1999 00:43:41

>>Rich Measures wrote:
>>>>Rotten bad form, old chap... can't you see that?
>>>�   I repeated what the personnel dept.  told me.  Bad form would
>>>seemingly have been to adjust what she told me.  //

Rich, I would have thought that you - a person who questions and
investigates things that appear to contradict each other - would have
questioned the contradicting information from Eimac (see my other post on
bad information from Personnel dept's).  She didn't adjust nothin' - she
told you what she read on the sheet of paper that came out of the file; and
it appears possible and likely that what was typed on the paper was incorrect.

If you had simultaneously measured 2 different voltage readings on a set of
mains with 2 different DMM's, you would have got a 3rd or 4th DMM and
continued to take readings until you verified what the correct value was.
The same kind of rigorous investigation was required when you were faced
with contradicting personal information from 2 different sources.

>>>  What evidence do you
>>>have that Miklos was other than an Engineer B at Varian/Eimac?

As I pointed out,  I wouldn't consider Personnel Dept. info to be water
tight "evidence" of anything - surprising as it may seem.

>>>you like to have the telephone number of the SLC facility personnel
>>>office so that you can find out first-hand, Ian?
>>No... and that's precisely the point that you're missing about all this.
>�  Your point is somewhat less than precise, Ian.  

Ian's point is crystal clear.  (Ian,  a Vulcan mind-meld may be the only
way left to get through).


>R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures  
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