[AMPS] Purpose of components on SB-1000
Rich Measures
Fri, 11 Jun 1999 04:24:37 -0700
>Rich says:
>>and gas atoms contaminate the thorium, full-emission can be restored by
>>operating the filament at max. rated potential for a brief interval.
>and of course, old thoriated filament tubes that have 'failed' can often be
>restored by by this technique - sometimes, even by over volting them for a
> >assured me that rheostats were not suitable for such a purpose.
>Well, you wouldn't really want one in the secondary circuit for a pair of
>3-500s would you? But in the primary...........
€ the discussion was about using a rheostat in the primary of the
filament transformer.
R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures
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