[AMPS] 3CX800

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Wed, 16 Jun 1999 04:00:02 -0700

Peter - - 

>Rich says:
>>?  ZSAC can be set quite nicely with E-screen.  The primary consideration 
>>is to set the dc grid potential so that virtually zero grid current flows 
>>with max. drive.  
>Sure. But that affects the peak plate current.

€  agreed

> Having the screen volts set
>so that the correct peak plate current flows at Eg = 0, and then setting the
>bias for correct zero signal current is surely better?
€  (assuming E-grid is set for virtually zero I-grid with max. drive) the 
indicator that something is amiss is when E-screen exceeds the max. 
allowable potential when ZSAC is set to the recommended amount.  If that 
be the case, then the next lower value of grid-terminating R is one 

>The business of 'overdrive' caused by reliance on ALC (which is quite likely
>defective in design) is another matter.
€  The weaknesses in the transceiver's ALC are automatically taken into 
account by adjusting E-grid so that virtually zero current flows when 
max. drive is applied.   I contend that it is important Not to 
subsequently change the E-grid adjustment for any other purpose.  

-  later, Peter


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures  

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